What is biofeedback?

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Where do young and healthy people get their beauty and vitality from? The answer to that question is at the core of the REYU technology.

Our body is designed to rely on its INTERNAL resources, the 3 major sources of ‘central intelligence’ that regulate the function of all our cells and organs.

These 3 sources are connected to all our organs through a network of ‘wires’ running through the whole body as an hologram, better known as nerves, vessels and lymphatic ducts.

  1. The BRAIN and SPINE, connected with all the organs though the nervous system.
  2. The HEART-LUNG unit, connected with all the organs through the vascular system.
  3. The DIGESTIVE TRACT, connected with all the organs through the lymphatic system.

This network consists of 800 km of peripheral nerves, 100.000 km of arteries and veins and many kilometres of lymphatic vessels. They run in loops, back and forth, keeping the connections with the central command alive and updated. We call them BIOFEEDBACK loops.

They are the main reason for the exceptional resilience of our body. But at the same time, these loops are our weakest point. The biofeedback loops are the first ones to be affected by ageing and an unhealthy lifestyle. Their degeneration bears medical names such as: neuropathy, vasculopathy and lymphatic blockage.

Our central intelligence sources themselves, are quite resilient throughout life. When the brain, the heart-lung or the digestive system fail to function, life itself is compromised. The peripheral organs are quite resilient too even at an older age, provided that they’re well- connected. When the biofeedback loops degenerate, the connection is lost and the organs will age accordingly. Diabetics are a well-known example of neuropathy and vasculopathy.

Why electrolytes?

The body consists of tens of trillions of living cells, all electrically charged and connected through a conducting network. That explains what happens when a discharge hits us at the touch of a metal doorknob.

Electrolytes play an essential role in that cellular connectivity. Once dissolved in water, they split into the positively and negatively charged ions essential for maintaining connectivity.

Healing of the body is critically dependent on the appropriate amount and type of electrolytes. REYU has developed a series of highly effective electrolytes, infused non-invasively through the skin using a specialized REYU infiltration device.

More recently, electrolytes are being acknowledged by professionals and used as valuable active ingredients in skin care. REYU uses the best of electrolytes in a fresh and concentrated mixture, without preservatives. Hence the superb results seen immediately on the skin after the infiltration, even before the biofeedback loops started their regeneration process. Following this initial effect the biofeedback regeneration kicks in, to ensure a truly long-lasting effect.

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Science - Natural Rejuvenation of Skin & Hair - REYU

The REYU Aqua – cleanse, hydrate and infiltrate in a new way.

Electrolytes are different than other substances. They can block the valves of classical facial cleansing devices driven by ‘water pressure’. REYU has therefore developed a brand new concept device designed to infiltrate electrolytes in difficult places such as hair, body, soles, groin, and of course the face too.

Here are some features of the brand new REYU Aqua device:

  • A precise flow: Freshly prepared Electrolytes are infiltrated in small quantities through fine-tuning of the flow.
  • A free flow: Tubes, pumps and valves are designed to avoid the problem of clogging.
  • A silent flow: A powerful and silent vacuum, easily adaptable with one electronic switch.
  • A smooth flow: A specially developed tip – the MAZE – ensures a homogeneous and profound infiltration of electrolytes into the skin. The MAZE provides an unique and smooth contact surface with the skin.

The full infiltration of the face takes about 4min 30 sec. An extra 30 sec can be used to go over the problem areas.

Now the skin is prepared and primed for the REYU MC treatment.


The REYU Micro Current device has been designed to meet the standards of the future. Not only were the components upgraded to highest quality, the REYU device runs on 65.000 lines of codes of software controlling the output precisely. The REYU device is not a stand-alone creation. It has been designed to connect with the world of REYU therapists, delivering data and feed back on every action. REYU is prepared to meet the world of IOT (Internet Of Things) and support a growing community of trusted REYU Therapists.

Keeping our Biofeedback loops healthy, is the most natural and sustainable way to rejuvenate. Our central intelligence is feeding our organs 24hours – 365 days a year, all life-long through those connections. As long as the biofeedback loops are functional, we do not need external stimulations. REYU is the primary choice when the damage is still reversible.

Our current medical solutions are focused on external sources of energy (lasers, Energy Based Devices, injections, pills, implants, etc… ). They reach the organs outside the natural loops, even if they are organic.

They do have their place though and wherever the damage is irreversible, they can be the only choice. Their results can be optimized and prolonged without pain, downtime or side effects by additional REYU therapy. Classical treatments also act better on healthier and younger tissues after a REYU treatment.

As therapists we know that results with any means will be superior on younger and healthier candidates. Synergies between REYU and our classical way of healing are often winning combinations.

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Mode of action.

A healthy closed loop.

Recently we understood that these loops can be restored through a specific form of electrical stimulation of the biofeedback loop, following a well- documented protocol.

As the nerves, vessels and lymphatics are connected to each other in our body, the REYU treatment provides a global functional healing to all 3 networks.

In order to achieve a regenerating stimulation of our natural INTERNAL biofeedback loops, we create an EXTERNAL closed loop.

The external loops consists of the REYU device and its connections to 2 long cables.

  1. One cable is leading to an adhesive electrode which is fixed at the centre of the back, at the corresponding level of the spine where the nerve leading to its designated organ emerges.
  2. The second cable is connected to a pen which is hoovering on the skin following in a specific protocol, thereby closing the loop.

The skin however, is not conductive for the tiny natural microcurrents such as generated by the REYU device. Therefore, we must infiltrate the skin surface with electrolytes prior to the REYU electrical stimulation. These electrolytes conduct electricity far better than the skin. Electrolytes have an additional therapeutic effect on the skin, muscle and joints, as they enhance the electrical connections of the body. Their selection and concentration is laid out in the REYU treatment protocol.

Within 4 to 8 sessions results are visible. These results improve with time as the loops continue to regenerate even in the absence of a stimulation. It is common to see further improvement a year or more after the last session.

Scientific Articles

Science - Natural Rejuvenation of Skin & Hair - REYU

Although microcurrent technology has been around for decades with scientifically proven results, the technology needed an update.

We re-examined the electronics, changed the components, and powered the devices with new state-of-the-art software representing more than 65.000 lines of coding. The devices are provided with revolutionary IOT and WiFi features transforming microcurrent healing into a reliable, fast, and result-oriented technique. These changes are best described as the leap from the old analog phone to the new smartphone.

More on the science and research behind MicroCurrent? Click here.

Book and trainings

REYU is first and foremost a training program to become an outstanding therapist. This essential quality is needed as REYU guarantees the results, provided that they are well performed with the REYU original products and protocols. Therefore, a scientifically oriented textbook has been written by Dr. Karavani, inspired on his work, the experience of REYU therapist worldwide and the science around microcurrent. The full version of the book is handed over to each therapist at the start of his/her training and guides them throughout the 3 year training period. This book, called BIOFEEDBACK, is updated on a regular basis with the additional scientific findings.

Aside of the BIOFEEDBACK book, an extensive TRAINING MANUAL is handed over to the Therapists containing all practical guidelines, starting from the intake and indications/contra-indications, ranging further to the operating manual, and dealing finally with the legal aspects of pictures and how to improve the relations with the media.

Every 6 months the knowledge is shared and updated. This is reflected in a new license certifying the education of the therapist.

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Science - Natural Rejuvenation of Skin & Hair - REYU
Science - Natural Rejuvenation of Skin & Hair - REYU


REYU is not born out of thin air. It has a history that is rooted in decades of anti-aging experience. Dr. Karavani wrote in his own words the peculiar road to REYU. Read more…

Aside from the may testimonials, the press in Belgium – where it all started – published some interviews, describing the evolution of Biofeedback from the ‘old superboost concept’ to the modern state of the art REYU.

Science - Natural Rejuvenation of Skin & Hair - REYU

Begin jaren ’90 was de Antwerpse cosmetisch en dermatologisch chirurg Dr. Ilan Karavani één van de eerste artsen in ons land die botox toepasten. Vandaag de dag gaat hij nog steeds op zoek naar de beste technieken om ons mooier te maken. Zijn ervaring leert dat dit niet langer uitsluitend met lasers, fillers of spierontspannende botox is, maar vooral met biofeedback, oftewel regeneratie op natuurlijke wijze.

Science - Natural Rejuvenation of Skin & Hair - REYU

Biofeedback is een methode waarbij je met apparatuur lichaamssignalen kunt meten, waarmee een groter bewustzijn van fysiologische functies van het eigen lichaam gecreëerd worden. Het doel hiervan is om bepaalde lichaamssystemen naar wens te kunnen manipuleren. ‘Uitermate geschikt voor mensen die er beter uit willen zien, maar dit alleen willen bereiken op een natuurlijke manier’, onderschrijft dermatoloog en cosmetisch chirurg dr. Ilan Karavani. Hij spreekt van een revolutie binnen de beautybranche.

Dokter Karavani is een naam die klinkt als een klok in de schoonheidswereld. Zijn niet aflatende zoektocht naar nieuwe middelen om schoonheid toegankelijk, pijnloos en efficiënter te maken heeft geleid tot een nieuwe methode in de schoonheidsverzorging van de toekomst, de Biofeedback methode. De REYU technologie heeft haar toegang gevonden naar de meest prestigieuze universiteiten in Europa. Deze voordracht aan de Universite de Paris, Faculte de Medecine, geeft een beknopt en doelgerichte overzicht van de mogelijkheden van REYU. Na de lezing was de toeloop van de artsen aanzienlijk en werd het boek Biofeedback gretig via internet gedeeld.

Kijk maar eens naar sterren van boven de vijftig. Slechts weinigen zien er nog natuurlijk mooi uit. Het is gewoon niet verstandig om na je 50e alleen fillers te hanteren. Eens de 40 voorbij moet je jouw eigen spieren activeren en stretchen – met bijvoorbeeld biofeedback. Onze spieren worden in de loop der jaren zwakker en dunner en als reactie daarop ga je een samentrekking of frons ontwikkelen.