About REYU.

Tap into your natural

We want to get the most out of life, personally, socially and professionally. We have always been at the top of our game. But lately, age has started working against us. We welcome a health and beauty treatment as we want to stay the best version of ourselves. But only if it’s on our terms. This means avoiding artificial expressions or long-term side effects. We like to keep things natural.

Beauty is subconsciously cherished for its connection to health. We commonly believe that beauty is an indicator of vitality as outer and inner organs are in sync with each other. That’s why the beauty of children embodies the ultimate youth.

Ageing, on the other hand, reflects an inner dysfunctional state. Recent studies have demonstrated that outside and inside are not directly connected to each other, but rather share a common ‘source. As a matter of fact the whole body is constantly self-repaired by 3 central organs; the brain, the heart and the intestines. They feed, repair and regulate all our peripheral cells and organs through 100.000 km of blood vessels, nerves and lymphatic ducts. that run back and forth in loops. We call them the bio-feedback loops. The youthful state of both internal and external peripheral organs is dependent on the integrity of their biofeedback loops to these 3 central organs.

As we age these loops degenerate. The impaired connection between the central organs and ALL our cells, is creating both beauty and health issues. That’s why beauty and health are correlated. Both are a reflection of young and functional biofeedback loops.

True rejuvenation starts with the biofeedback loops. REYU is a technology designed to achieve the restoration of these loops in a sustainable and 100% natural way. It achieves tangible results on beauty and health in a matter of weeks, preserving the integrity of our body. Consequently, REYU acts on a wide range of beauty and health issues. The relation between incontinence, constipation, face lifting or hair growth, suddenly becomes evident. The loops can be restored to rejuvenate very different organs.



Restore your biofeedback loops and tap into your sources of self-healing, the way nature designed life to thrive. Healthy loops are the smart way to long-term results.

Outside it’s reflected as beauty, while inside it translates in health.


Let your skin glow, avoid expression lines and lift up your face naturally. By activating the biofeedback loops you can reach levels of rejuvenation that even surgery cannot achieve. Lifting eyebrows and eyelids, and correcting a sagging face or neck, are well within the reach of REYU. Restore a lustrous head of hair, for life. Reactivate your dormant hair follicles, stop hair loss, and repair your damaged hairs,

REYU works on:

Skin care | Skin glow

Cellulite | Scars

Face lifting | Hair Growth

Neck Lifting


REYU offers highly effective solutions to problems such as urine leakage in women and nocturnal urination in men. But it doesn’t stop there. By speeding up and improving recovery from traumatic or sports injuries, it becomes a valuable tool for athletes and people recovering from injury. In short, the technique promotes a comprehensive approach to restore the body’s natural balance and functionality.

REYU is a solution for:

Incontinence | Neuropathy

Back pain | Constipation

Lymph drainage |

Wound healing

Sport Injuries

About Us - Natural Rejuvenation of Skin & Hair - REYU

Sports injuries are a daily struggle for athletes of all disciplines. Recovery is usually long and exhausting, often accompanied by intensive care and injections. REYU restore the biofeedback connections to your joints and traumatized areas, and induces a powerful self-healing cascade of growth factors. It can be easily performed by your personal trainer or physiotherapist.

Urinary & sexual health

About Us - Natural Rejuvenation of Skin & Hair - REYU

Over 65% of men and women above the age of 50 years, suffer from reproductive and urinary malfunction. Urinary loss and genital dryness for women, urinary blockage and erectile dysfunction for men. Not to mention the decline of the sensory nerves. By connecting the genital apparatus to the vascular and nervous system, much of its functions are restored with four non-invasive sessions of biofeedback

More Treatments

About Us - Natural Rejuvenation of Skin & Hair - REYU

Watch the possibilities

Pain relief, Wound care, Mental relaxation, Lymphatic drainage, Articulations and so much more…


Results that
last a lifetime.

There are countless benefits to the REYU technology of Biofeedback. Not only does REYU use 100% pure natural ingredients, its power lies in the activation of the natural pathways designed for self-healing. The results are astonishing.

Our body functions through biofeedback connections that integrate all our organs with our central command systems, the brain and the heart. These organs act as powerful sources of energy and information, keeping us young and healthy. Unfortunately, the biofeedback connections wear out with ageing or trauma, leaving us with dysfunctional organs. REYU reconnects us to our natural power stations so we can heal ourselves from within, permanently. Reducing the need for external assistance.

A natural lifting of the face by activation of the muscular tone.

Restoring volume by building back the muscular mass of the face.

It reduces expression lines through natural relaxation of the muscles after each contraction.

It improves skin quality by addressing pigmentation, redness, acne, wide pores, wrinkles or skin laxity.

It reestablishes the natural urinary flow and enhances our sexual confidence.

It restores hair volume and treats gray hairs. REYU stops hair loss in 4 weeks.

It activates up to 30.000 sleeping hair follicles, thus fighting baldness effectively.

Reyu means a swift relief of sports traumas and painful joints.


Trusted Results

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About Us - Natural Rejuvenation of Skin and Hair - REYU

About Us - Natural Rejuvenation of Skin and Hair - REYU

About Us - Natural Rejuvenation of Skin and Hair - REYU
About Us - Natural Rejuvenation of Skin and Hair - REYU
About Us - Natural Rejuvenation of Skin and Hair - REYU
About Us - Natural Rejuvenation of Skin and Hair - REYU

About the technology

Look and Feel
10 years younger
in 12 weeks

Our Biofeedback loops degenerates with aging and is aggravated by a poor lifestyle.Dysfunctional loops cut us off from our powerful sources of self-healing, namely our nervous and vascular centers. However, science taught us the way to reverse this process by activating these loop through specially designed microcurrents, bio-identical to our natural electrical discharges. Just like all natural processes the REYU treatment is slow and needs time to settle in, but is sustainable in time.

About Us - Natural Rejuvenation of Skin and Hair - REYU

REYU Technology - Electro Bio Modulation - Active Loop

A good frequency is a session every two weeks, to initiate the biological regeneration. After an initial period of 4 to 6 sessions in several weeks, a session every 6 months or even once a year will allow us to keep up with further aging. Younger candidates with reactive loops might need 4 sessions, while older and more refractive cases will react after 6 to even 8 sessions performed within 12 weeks.


Are you a
REYU candidate?

Yes, if you wish to turn back time and be the younger version of the beautiful and healthy you. All natural and sustainable in time.

Meet REYU – read RE YOU – a movement that definitely matches your vision.

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    Natural Rejuvenation of Skin & Hair - REYU

    REYU means You, only younger

    The Science and People
    behind REYU

    Natural Rejuvenation of Skin & Hair - REYU

    Clinically and scientifically Approved

    Evidence-based biofeedback technology is widely documented in prestigious scientific publications. The newest REYU technology has been developed and perfected by members of one of the most leading universities in Electrical Engineering of Northern Europe, founded in 1862. The REYU device emits pure signals of high quality and can be modulated to a diversity of indications in the field of anti-aging, health and sports. REYU is a sophisticated European – Scandinavian product with shared data analysis, benefiting patients and therapists.

    Natural Rejuvenation of Skin & Hair - REYU

    A life long career in esthetics

    Dr. Karavani has dedicated his life to esthetics and anti-aging. In his 30+ years career he practiced invasive and non-invasive esthetic treatments in his clinic, like injectables and energy based devices. Since 2004 he has implemented natural methods to his current techniques. In 2017 it resulted in the development of biofeedback technology for natural rejuvenation. REYU is his latest version of Biofeedback. The device has been perfected and adapted to the different needs of each organ. Read more on  www.drkaravani.com

    The results

    Natural and
    sustainable results

    Our Biofeedback loops degenerates with aging and is aggravated by a poor lifestyle.Dysfunctional loops cut us off from our powerful sources of self-healing, namely our nervous and vascular centers. However, science taught us the way to reverse this process by activating these loop through specially designed microcurrents, bio-identical to our natural electrical discharges. Just like all natural processes the REYU treatment is slow and needs time to settle in, but is sustainable in time.

    I started my first treatment 4 years ago when I was having terrible hair fall. It was due to a new condition in the body. I was diagnosed with Diabetes. So I strictly followed her program and I must say I was very happy with the outcome since then my hair fall is back to normal. Soon after that I starting getting neuropathy in my legs making it very hard to sleep due to the cramps in my legs. The treatment that I have been doing with Isabella for the legs is infusion of magnesium and biofeedback. I still have a bit of tingling but that is normal for a person with Diabetes. My legs do not longer keep me up at night. A thousand thanks for that. I know Biofeedback has many more benefits whatever your issue is. It really turns back time using your own natural intelligence.

    Eshana, Debra Meyer, 67 years

    I’m 30 years old and I twisted my foot a few months ago. I had difficulty walking and the pain became stronger every day. After 2 weeks I did 1 session of Reyu and the next day it was all gone and my foot was completely cured.

    Yoann C, 30 years

    I am 29 years old and have been diagnosed by my dermatologist with psoriasis on my knees 4 years ago. He told me that only cortisone could cure that but not even definitely. A few months ago I started the Reyu treatment and After only 4 sessions it was almost completely cured.

    Laura B, 29 years

    Thank you so much for the treatment!
    After I dislocated the shoulder due to a fall.
    Already after the first treatment I was able to move my hand.
    Thank you for the treatment!

    Aharon A, 68 years

    Our vision

    Harness your
    natural power.


    Because we believe that everyone on the planet should strive to a 100% natural pathway throughout their lives.


    By restoring the natural connections in our body based on biofeedback loop technology.


    A non-invasive beauty treatment for rejuvenating face and hair with
    a long-lasting effect.

    Join the natural revolution.

    Once in a while, a technology known for centuries makes a quantum leap so radically that we can hardly remember what life was like before it.

    What was a phone before the smartphone? What was information before the Internet? Who is to remember…

    Microcurrent technology has been around for decades. Scientifically proven results have been amply documented in books, articles, and literature on the internet.

    REYU has re-examined the electronics, changed the components, and powered the devices with new state- of-the-art software. The REYU devices are provided with revolutionary features transforming microcurrent healing into a reliable, fast, and result-oriented technique.

    Let’s discover the new possibilities of REYU, before we ask the question:

    What was natural rejuvenation before REYU?

    Join the


    How you can
    reach us.

    REYU is a creation of the SUPERBOOST sia company
