What is REYU
The natural revolution
Our benefits
Tap into your natural resources
Most complete, balanced and lasting rejuvenation at a very competitive price.
10 years younger in 2 to 8 sessions is a reality.
Skin quality
Enjoy smooth and tight skin with an even complexion. Treat yourself to a beautiful glow, and a fresh appearance immediately. Remove acne pimples and their scars. All this thanks to REYU electrolyte balancing solutions, the new standard in skin care.
Face shape
REYU brings about muscle regeneration by acting on the nerve connections to the muscles, rather then the muscles themselves. Experience a true facelift and a fuller upper face through natural activation of your muscles. Elevate both your eyebrows and eyelids.
Face expression
Watch the possibilities
Get rid of excessive expression wrinkles such as frown lines and crow’s feet. These are caused by involuntary contraction of the muscles. Why involuntary? Our muscles are in continuous relationship with our brain, expressing emotions and acting on reflexes. Healthy nerves provide relaxation after each contraction.
Hi, I am Jessy, I am 45 years old, I’m a singer, and if you want to be like me and restore your natural beauty, join the natural revolution with REYU. I used to do Botox and fillers and at the time I thought that was the best solution to stay young and to look young and healthy, but after a while I started to notice that my face was no more the same shape and not in the same way that it used to be, I did not look like myself anymore. So I decided to find different treatments to still look very young and healthy and all of that. But without all the injections and all that sort of treatments.
After my first REYU treatment I really looked like I was very well rested, I has a really nice glow to my face. At the same time I could feel that the structure of my skin was getting better like every day as a progress. I would recommend the REYU treatment to everyone, female, male, young, old. I mean it’s a really, really, really good treatment, just to improve your skin, your quality of your skin, and because it works on the inside as well, it just gives you this really natural beautiful glow, and it’s just an improvement overall …
A life long career in esthetics
Dr. Karavani has dedicated his life to esthetics and anti-aging. In his 30+ years career he practiced invasive and non-invasive esthetic treatments in his clinic, like injectables and energy based devices.
The Technology Behind REYU
Look and feel 10 years younger
Our Biofeedback loops degenerate with aging and are aggravated by unhealthy lifestyle. Dysfunctional loops cut us off from our powerful sources of self-healing, namely our nervous and vascular centers. However, science taught us how to reverse this process by activating these loops through specially designed microcurrents, bio-identical to our natural electrical discharges.
REYU taps into your sources of self-healing, the way nature intended life to thrive. The intelligent way to long-term results.
The Best Price
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Harness your
natural power.
natural power.
Join the natural revolution.
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